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The Senior Thesis of Charles Fu

The Other Face of Janus: the Eastern Christian (Byzantine) World


Ever since 16th century, the expression "Christian world" had increasingly been associated with western Europe and its offshoots as if it had always been that Christianity, and the civilisation associated with it, was the “western” normality. What this western mentality fails to understand is the integrity of Eastern Christianity, and more importantly, its impact on the western world itself. Geographically, the eastern Christian world is not only where Christianity, but also where the whole western civilisation started. This world, though often obscure, has a story of its own to tell, and it is my wish to tell it in terms of culture, history, as well as modern politics.

Five Essential Questions

Each project answers one of these questions:

  1. What was Byzantium, and how is it relatable to us?

  2. How should we understand the existence of Byzantium and the eastern Christian world?

  3. How was this world different from the west?

  4. Did this world leave a legacy?

  5. What would this world look like if it had persisted unto the modern age as a single entity?

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